
28/04/14 – Carmelot updates

Hi everybody!
In our last post we asked for your opinion regarding the upcoming Carmelot game.
More than 50 percent said that we should draw the backgrounds with a night atmosphere.
Drawing a nighttime image is usually more difficult than daytime, because you must pay attention to the light sources and their effects on their surrounding – shades, colors, etc. But, the final outcome could be more impressive than the regular daytime image.

We started to check several ways to draw this game. Our first idea was to draw the game by hand, but we rejected this idea. You can see the first sketch below:

Drawing sketch

Then we tried a different style, somewhere between reality and fantasy. The outcome turned out great, so we decided to stick with it:

diagon alley

Irish pub

We also started working on the characters’ sketches. Here is an old sketch we did a long time ago, which we will use for Carmelot:

wizard character

On another note, we used four names out of the CARMELO’s NAMES WIZARD so far and we will use two more in the upcoming haunted house game. Keep in mind that we have more than 150 requests on that list while there are only less than 10 characters in each game, so it will take us time to fulfill all of your requests.

We plan on releasing the haunted house game in a day or two so be on the lookout for it,
See you next time!

Word Is Right

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