
June updates!

Hi everybody!
We wish to thank you all for taking part in our ‘MAKE A GAME CHALLENGE’. So far we’ve received over 50 different ideas that we need to check (it will take us some time to read them all), we didn’t expect so many comments. We will be happy to have another challenge with books giveaway next month.
In the meantime, the 2nd part of Kaitlyn’s adventures is almost ready and we hope to release it in a couple of days.
In other news, CrazyDad will return for another wacky adventure soon. This time he’ll be trying to watch a movie at the theater, but when it turns out that everyone’s speaks using their mobile phones, CrazyDad is about to go crazy.
We’ve redesigned his character for this game:
Another character that will return for a sequel is… Habla Kadabla! We started redesigning her too, and we plan on writing a long game featuring her character.

We’ve finally decided what special thing will happen once you’ve found all of the seven hidden genie bottles in Love Chase (and future C+ games as well).
At the end of the game you’ll get a link to a page with wallpapers for your mobile device or your PC!

And now, since our brain has began to melt due to the heat, we’ll go and get ourselves some ice cream 🙂
ice cream
Have a magical day!

Word Is Right

More games…

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